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Projects and Views

SorobanHub lets you manage multiple projects at the same time so the first thing you need to do is create your first project, during the onboarding process you are requested to create your first project (you can create new projects, edit or delete them when you want).

Configuring a project

A project has 4 default values:

  • Name: This is the name of your project and it's displayed at the top of the Dashboard once is selected. It helps to be specific like "SorobanDomains - Mainnet".
  • Network: The network to use with all the widgets in this project, this value will normally be the network where your contracts are deployed.
  • Default source account: As the name says, this is the source account to use in all the transactions generated for this project. If you set a source account in a Widget, this default account will be ignored.
  • Project image (optional): The project image is just the URL of an icon/image you want to use to show in the project, this helps when you have multiple projects.

Note: You can always edit a project by right-clicking on top of the project square and selecting edit

Views to organize your widgets

Projects can have multiple parts, a debt contract, currencies, DAOs, etc... So having everything in the same place makes keeping it up hard once we need to check/execute multiple things, to solve that issue SorobanHub allows creating "View" which are basically tabs to organize your defined widgets.

For example, let's say you have a protocol that issues multiple currencies and has both a DAO contract and a lending contract. For such example, you can create three views: Lending, DAO, and Currencies; This way you can keep everything organized and it will be easier for you when you're interacting with contracts.

Removing projects and views

Both projects and views can be removed at any moment, just be aware that when you do that everything below them will be removed too... This means that if you remove a view, all widgets inside that view will be gone and if you remove a project then all views and its widgets will be removed too.